Taylor, our golden retriever mix, is a big part of our family. She brings us so much happiness and continually teaches us the true meaning of love and what it means to be a family. This weekend we decided to create a gift basket to donate to the Irvine Animal Shelter. The Irvine animal shelter helps thousands of abused, neglected and homeless animals every year. The shelter is located on 3.73 acres which provides a park like area for the animals. In 2011 the Irvine animal shelter helped facilitate over 2,000 pet adoptions and helped reunite over 500 pets with their owners. I think the Irvine animal shelter does amazing work and the animals there deserve a little extra pampering.
Derrick and I headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a few treats and items to donate to the shelter. We picked up Milk-Bone Trail Mix, Pup-Peroni Mix Stix and Milo’s Kitchen Homestyle Treats. We also picked up a few collars to add to the basket.
Taylor definitely was intrigued by the goodies that we brought home. She spent some time sniffing out the basket of Milk Bones, Pup-Peroni and Milo’s Kitchen treats. I know she wanted to tear into that bag of Milk Bone Trail Mix.
It was such a heart felt experience visiting the animal shelter. So many bunnies, cats and dogs need loving homes and a family to love. The dogs greeted us with puppy dog eyes and a wagging tail. We just wanted to pick them up and take them home with us! I’m glad that we were able to put together a small basket of goodies for these very deserving animals. With every small effort we can help improve the quality of life for these animals.

How can you resist their sweet face?
If you have the chance, check out your local animal shelter to for opportunities to donate, volunteer or adopt an animal in need. It could change an animal’s life and even yours.
You can see more pictures of my shopping experience on my Google+ Page.
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric

You guys are so awesome to do this. And I just love that photo of Taylor with her eyes closed. She seems to be inhaling that Milk Bone Trail Mix.
Great post! especially for those that don’t have a voice 🙂 Taylor’s pictures say it all! thanks
The photo of her smelling the trail mix = win. If that’s not a support-your-local-humane-society sell, well, I wouldn’t know what to say to that person.
I don’t have too many aspects of my future planned out clearly, but one this that is certain is a dog. I go silly when passing that aisle in the grocery store with pet toys like some get when passing by a baby’s clothing boutique. I’ve got puppy fever bad, and the moment I’m situated in a place that allows pets, adopting I will go!
I just don’t have the heart to bring myself to the shelter. I get so sad knowing I cannot help them! Kudos to you for donating… that’s something I guess I could do without having to face the sad faces inside! Thanks for sharing!
Chung-Ah: 🙂 She definitely is taking it all in – she’s too funny!
Erin: Thank you!
Janet: I can’t wait until you get your puppy – it will be life changing… in all the best ways!
Nicole: I know, it’s definitely hard to go and not walk away without adopting all of them. In the past we’ve organized office wide donations for the shelter – every bit helps.